Bladpacking Trip – BTStandard-0.1.0

Description: Each Bladepacking trip should follow the standards outlined below. This is so that each trip is easily navigated and can be followed by others. We encourage others to copy a template and modify it with their own trip details.

Title – Required – The title of the trip
Example: Northeast Ohio Adventure

Trip-ID – Generated – This trip id is the post number, it will be used to link or reference other trips

Location Information: The goal here would be to have some auto-generated data points, point-to-point miles, climate, elevation ranking.

— Starting Location – Required – The origin of the trip, where did you start from?

— Ending Location – Required – Where the trip ended.

-Names Trails in this trip, comma separated list

Milage/KM details – Required – Auto convert miles to KM

— Trail miles – integer – number of miles on trails

— Road miles – integer – number of miles on roads

— Other path – Not road or trail

— Other path description – Crushed Limestone, Walking trail, construction

Days – Number of days the trip took

Nights – Number of nights the trip took

Summary – Summary of the trip

Motivation – answer the question, “Why did you take this trip?”

Equipment Section –

— Skates

— Wheels

— Garments





Trip Structure

-Prep – What did you do in preparation for the trip

-Day [X] – What happened on this day, items, have inputs for photo / video and descriptions

—Map upload – GPX map data

—Photos Upload – 1-20 photos, to go in a slideshow

—Detailed recap, allow formatting, inline posting of photos / videos with captions.

—Important! Items you don’t want anyone to miss from that day.

-Night [X] –

—-Name of overnight location, can be blank if none

—-Coordinates of overnight location, can be blank if unknown

—Photos Upload – 1-20 photos, to go in a slideshow

—Detailed recap, allow formatting, inline posting of photos / videos with captions.

—Important! Items you don’t want anyone to miss.


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